6th Annual Lambda Literary Award Winners and Finalists
The Lambda Awards by year:
1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 |1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001
2002 2003 | 2004 |2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010
2002 2003 | 2004 |2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010
1993 Categories
Overview of yearly categories
- Lesbian
- Biography/ Autobiography, Fiction, Mystery, Poetry, Studies
- General LGBT
- Anthology, Children's/ Young Adult, Drama, Humour, Science fiction/ Fantasy
- Gay Men's
- Biography/ Autobiography, Fiction, Mystery, Poetry, Studies
- Other Awards
- Editor's Choice Award, Publisher's Service Award, Small Press Award
Lesbian Biography/ Autobiography
- Forty-Three Septembers
by Jewelle Gomez (Firebrand)
- How Am I To Be Heard?: Letters of Lillian Smith
edited by Rose Gladney (University of North Carolina)
- Mary Renault by David Sweetman (Harcourt Brace)
- Family Values: Two Moms and Their Son
(also published as: Family Values: A Lesbian Mother's Fight for Her Son
) by Phyllis Burke (Random House) [Non-fiction winner, Stonewall Book Award 1994]
Lesbian Fiction
Winner: Written on the Body
- Sea of Light
by Jenifer Levin (Dutton)
- Stone Butch Blues
by Leslie Feinberg (Firebrand) [Literature winner, Stonewall Book Award 1994]
Women on Women 2: An Anthology of American Lesbian Short Fiction edited by Joan Nestle & Naomi Holoch (Plume)
- Home Movies
by Paula Martinac (Seal)
Lesbian Mystery
Winner: Divine Victim
- Trouble In Transylvania
by Barbara Wilson (Seal)
- Long Goodbyes
by Nikki Baker (Naiad)
- Case of the Not-So-Nice Nurse
by Mabel Maney (Cleis)
- I’ll Be Leaving You Always
by Sandra Scoppetone (Little, Brown)
Lesbian Poetry
Winner: The Marvelous Arithmetics of Distance
- The Last Generation
by Cherrie Moraga (South End)
- The Black Back-Ups
by Kate Rushin (Firebrand)
- Experimental Love Poetry
by Cheryl Clarke (Firebrand)
- Collected Poems (1930-1993)
by May Sarton (Norton)
Lesbian Studies
Winner: Boots of Leather, Slippers of Gold
Blood, Bread, and Roses: How Menstruation Created the World
by Judy Grahn (Beacon)
- The Apparitional Lesbian
by Terry Castle (Columbia University)
Vampires and Violets: Lesbians in Film
by Andrea Weiss (Penguin)
What is Found There: Notebooks on Poetry and Politics, Expanded Edition
by Adrienne Rich (Norton)
LGBT Anthologies
Winner: Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader
- Growing Up Gay
edited by Bennett L. Singer (New) (YA, GLBT) (lesbian)
Lesbian Culture: An Anthology : The Lives, Work, Ideas, Art and Visions of Lesbians Past and Present
by Julia Penelope and Susan Wolfe (Crossing)
- Sisters, Sexperts, Queers: Beyond the Lesbian Nation (Plume)
by Arlene Stein (Plume) (lesbian)
- Eyes Of Desire: A Deaf Gay & Lesbian Reader
by Raymond Luczak (Alyson) (GLBT)
LGBT Children's & Young Adult
Winner: The Cat Came Back
- Saturday is Pattyday
by Leslea Newman, illustrated by Annette Hegel (New Victoria) (picture book, lesbian parents, divorce)
- We’re Not Alone
by Rik Isensee (Lavender Press) (YA, gay and lesbian)
- Living In Secret
by Christina Salat (Bantam) (YA, lesbian parents)
- Uncle What-Is-It Is Coming To Visit!!
written and illustrated by Michael Willhoite (Alyson Wonderland) (gay uncle, picture book)
LGBT Drama
Winner: Angels in America: Millenium Approaches
- The Destiny of Me
by Larry Kramer (Plume)
- Falsettos
by William Finn (Plume)
- We Oughta Be In Pictures
by Julia Willis (Alamo Square)
- She's Always Liked the Girls Best: Lesbian Plays : Roomers/Raincheck/Hannah Free/Movie Queens
by Claudia Allen (Third Side)
LGBT Humour
Winner: Spawn of Dykes to Watch Out For
Hothead Paisan: Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist
by Diane DiMassa (Cleis) (lesbian) [Graphic novel, see all award winning comics]
- Whores of Lost Atlantis
by Charles Busch (Hyperion) (gay male)
- Closet Case
by Robert Rodi (Dutton) (gay male)
- Members of the Tribe: Caricatures of Gay Men and Lesbians
by Michael Willhoite (Alyson) (gay & lesbian)
LGBT Science Fiction & Fantasy
Winner: The Fifth Sacred Thing
- Drawing Blood
by Poppy Brite (Delacorte) (horror/paranormal, gay male)
- In the Garden of Dead Cars
by Sybil Claiborne (Cleis) (science fiction, dystopia, AIDS)
- Burning Bright
by Melissa Scott (TOR) (science fiction, general bisexuality)
- The Unfinished
by Jay Laws (Alyson) (gay male, horror, AIDS)
Gay Men's Biography/ Autobiography
Winner: Genet
City Poet: The Life and Times of Frank O'Hara
by Brad Gooch (Knopf)
Travels With Lizbeth: Three Years on the Road and on the Streets
by Lars Eighner (St. Martin’s)
- Before Night Falls
by Reinaldo Arenas (Viking)
- Coming Unbuttoned
by James Broughton (City Lights)
Gay Men's Fiction
Winner: Living Upstairs
- Fragments that Remain
by Steven Corbin (Alyson)
- Martin and John
by Dale Peck (HarperPerennial)
- The Listener
by Bo Huston (St. Martin’s)
- Scissors, Paper, Rock
by Fenton Johnson (Pocket)
Gay Men's Mystery
Winner: Catilina’s Riddle
- Mae West Murder Case
by George Baxt (St. Martin’s)
- Bohannon’s Country
by Joseph Hansen (Viking)
- Torsos
by John Cooke (Warner)
- Dead On Your Feet
by Grant Michaels (St. Martin’s)
Gay Men's Poetry
- Collected Poems
by James Schuyler (Farrar, Straus & Giroux)
- 1990
by Michael Klein (Provincetown Arts)
- My Alexandria
by Mark Doty (University of Illinois)
- Orpheus in his Underwear
by William Bory (Cythoera)
- Tranquil Lake of Love
by Carl Cook (Vega)
Gay Men's Studies
Winner: Conduct Unbecoming
- Stonewall
by Martin Duberman (Dutton)
- Place at the Table: The Gay Individual in American Society
by Bruce Bawer (Poseidon)
- Cherry Grove Fire Island: Sixty Years in America's First Gay and Lesbian Town
by Esther Newman (Beacon)
- The Queen's Throat: Opera, Homosexuality, and the Mystery of Desire
by Wayne Koestenbaum (Vintage)
Editor's Choice: A Star Bright Lie
Publisher's Service Award: Michael Denneny, St. Martin’s Press
Small Press Awards
- Stone Butch Blues
by Leslie Feinberg (Firebrand) [Literature winner, Stonewall Book Award 1994]
Sojourner: Black Gay Voices in the Age of AIDS, Other Countries
by B. Michael Hunter (Other Countries) (gay male)
- A Lotus of Another Color An Unfolding of the South Asian Gay and Lesbian Experience
by Ratti Rakesh (Alyson) (gay and lesbian)
Eyes Of Desire: A Deaf Gay & Lesbian Reader
by Raymond Luczak (Alyson)
- Blue
by Denise Ohio (MacPherson & Co.) (lesbian)
The Lambda Awards by year:
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