- Lesbian:
- Fiction, Mystery, Poetry
- General LGBT:
- Fiction Anthology, Non-fiction Anthology, Autobiography/ Memoir, Biography, Children's/ Young Adult, Drama, Erotica, Humour, Photography/ Visual Arts Romance, Science fiction/ Fantasy/ Horror, Spirituality, LGBT Studies,
- Gay Men's :
- Fiction, Mystery, Poetry
- Transgender/ Genderqueer
Lesbian Fiction:
- Winner: Southland by Nina Revoyr (Akashic)
- Finalists
- And Then They Were Nuns by Susan J. Leonardi (Firebrand)
- The Way the Crow Flies by Anne-Marie MacDonald (HarperCollins)
- This Wild Silence by Lucy Jane Bledsoe (Alyson)
- What Night Brings by Carla Trujillo (Curbstone)
Lesbian Mystery:
- Winner: Damn Straight by Elizabeth Sims (Alyson)
- Finalists
- Cry Havoc by Baxter Clare (Bella)
- Epitaph for an Angel by Laruen Maddison (Alyson)
- Owl of the Desert by Ida Swearingen (New Victoria)
- The Woman Who Found Grace by Bett Reece Johnson (Cleis)
- Winner: The Dirt She Ate by Minnie Bruce Pratt (University of Pittsburgh)
- Finalists
- Embers by Terry Wolverton (Red Hen)
- Final Girl by Daphne Gottlieb (Soft Skull)
- Swirl by Susan McCabe (Red Hen)
- The Beautiful by Michelle Tea (Manic D)
LGBT Fiction Anthology:
- Winner: Pulp Friction: Uncovering the Golden Age of Gay Male Pulps
edited by Michael Bronski (St. Martin’s) [Gay men's]
- Finalists
- All I Want for Christmas by Jon Jeffrey, Chris, Kenry, William J. Mann, and Ben Tyler (Kenisington) [Gay men's]
- Best Lesbian Love Stories 2003 edited by Angela Brown (Alyson) [Lesbian]
M2m New Literary Fiction- P
edited by Karl Woelz (AttaGirl) [Gay men's]
- Telling Moments: Autobiographical Lesbian Short Stories edited by Lynda Hall (University of Wisconsin)
LGBT Non-fiction Anthology:
- Winner: Queer Crips: Disabled Gay Men and Their Stories (Haworth Gay & Lesbian Studies) edited by Bob Guter and John R. Killacky (Harrington Park) [Gay men's]
- Finalists
- Boyfriends from Hell: True Tales of Tainted Lovers, Disastrous Dates and Love Gone Wrong!
edited by Kevin Bentley (Green Candy) [Gay men's]
- Mortal Secrets: Truth and Lies in the Age of AIDS
edited by Robert Klitzman and Ronald Bayer (Johns Hopkins University) [General GLBT]
- The Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name: Essays on Queer Sexuality and Desire
edited by Greg Wharton (Boheme) [General GLBT]
- Pinned Down by Pronouns
edited by Toni Amato and Mary Davies (Conviction)
LGBT Autobiography/Memoir
- Winner: Naked in the Promised Land
by Lillian Fade
rman (Houghton Mifflin) [Lesbian]
- Finalists
- Cleopatra's Wedding Present: Travels through Syria (Living Out: Gay and Lesbian Autobiographies)
by Robert Tewdwr Moss (University of Wisconsin) [Gay men's]
- Going the Other Way: Lessons from a Life In and Out of Major League Baseball
by Billy Bean (Marlowe & Company) [Gay men's]
Highsmith: A Romance of the 1950's by Marijane Meaker (Cleis) [Lesbian]
- She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders by Jennifer Finney Boylan (Broadway) [FtM Transgender]
LGBT Biography
- Winner: Beautiful Shadow: A Life of Patricia Highsmith by Andrew Wilson (Bloomsbury) [Lesbian]
- Finalists:
- Intertwined Lives: Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, and Their Circle
by Lois W. Banner (Alfred A. Knopf) [Lesbian]
- Lost Prophet: The Life and Times of Bayard Rustin
by John D’Emilio (Free) [Gay men's] [Non-fiction Winner, Stonewall Book Awards 2004]
- Original Youth: The Real Story of Edmund White's Boyhood
by Keith Fleming (Green Candy) [Gay men's]
- That Furious Lesbian: The Story of Mercedes de Acosta (Theater in the Americas)
by Robert A. Schanke (Southern Illinois University) [Lesbian]
LGBT Children's/Young Adult:
- Winner: Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan (Knopf Books for Young Readers) [Gay male protagonist/ general GLBT]
- Finalists
- Geography Club by Brent Hartinger (HarperTempest) [Gay male protagonist/ general GLBT]
- Gravel Queen by Tea Benduhn (Simon & Schuster) [Lesbian]
- Keeping You a Secret by Julie Anne Peters (Little, Brown & Company) [Lesbian] [Review]
- Rainbow High by Alex Sanchez (Simon & Schuster) [Gay men's]
- Winner: Prok by Brian Drader (Scirocco Drama)
- Finalists
Forbidden Acts: Pioneering Gay & Lesbian Plays of the 20th Century
by Ben Hodges (Applause Theatre & Cinema)
- Motifs & Repetitions & Other Plays by C.E. Gatchalian (The Writers’ Collective)
- The Band Plays: The Boys in the Band and its Sequel The Men from the Boys
by Mart Crowley (Alyson) [Gay men's]
- Women in Turmoil: Six Plays by Mercedes de Acosta (Theater in the Americas) edited by Robert Schanke (Southern Illinois University) [Lesbian]
LGBT Erotica:
- Winner: Best Lesbian Erotica 2004 edited by Tristan Taormino (Cleis) [Lesbian]
- Finalists
- Best Gay Erotica 2004 edited by Richard Labonte (Cleis) [Gay men's]
- Hot & Bothered 2: Short Short Fiction on Lesbian Desire
edited by Karen X. Tulchinsky (Arsenal Pulp) [Lesbian]
- Masters of Midnight: Erotic Tales of the Vampire by Michael Thomas Ford, William J. Mann, Sean Wolfe, and Jeff Mann (Kensington) [Gay men's]
- Quickies 3: Short Short Fiction on Gay Male Desire edited by James Johnstone (Arsenal Pulp) [Gay men's]
LGBT Humour
- Winner: Dykes and Sundry Other Carbon-Based Life-Forms to Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel (Alyson) [Lesbian]
- Finalists
- Chelsea Boys by Glen Hanson and Allan Neuwirth (Alyson) [Gay men's]
Men Are Pigs, But We Love Bacon: Not-So-Straight Answers from America's Most Outrageous Gay Sex Columnist
by Michael Alvear (Kensington) [Gay men's]
- My Big Fat Queer Life: The Best of Michael Thomas Ford
by Michael Thomas Ford (Alyson) [Gay men's]
- That’s Why They’re in Cages, People! by Joel Perry (Alyson) [Gay men's/ General GLBTQ]
- Winner: Women Seeing Women: From the Early Days of Photography to the Present
edited by Lonthar Schirmer (W.W. Norton) [Lesbian]
- Finalists
- A Face in the Crowd: Expressions of Gay Life in America edited by John Peterson and Martin Bedogne (Prospect)
- Familiar Men by Laurie Toby Edison (Shifting Focus)
- Focus on Living: Portraits of Americans With HIV and AIDS by Roslyn Banish (University of Massachusetts)
- Vacation in Ibiza by Lawrence Schimel and Sebas (Eurotica/NBM)
LGBT Romance:
- Winner (tied)
- Last Summer by Michael Thomas Ford (Kensington) [Gay men's]
- Maybe Next Time by Karin Kallmaker (Bella) [Lesbian]
- Finalists
- Best Lesbian Love Stories 2003 edited by Angela Brown (Alyson) [Lesbian]
- Daytime Drama by Dave Benbow (Kensington) [Gay men's]
- They Say She Tastes Like Honey by Michelle Sawyer (Alyson) [Lesbian]
LGBT Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror:
- Winner Necrologue: The Diva Book of the Dead and the Undead edited by Helen Sandler (Diva) [Lesbian]
- Finalists
- Elf Child by David M. Pierce (Southern Tier) [Gay men's]
- The Red Line of Yarmald by Diana Rivers (Bella) [Lesbian]
- The Substance of God: A Spiritual Thriller by Perry Brass (Belhue) [Gay men's]
- Vampire Thrall by Michael Schiefelbein (Alyson) [Gay men's]
LGBT Spirituality & Religion
- Winner: Keeping Faith: A Skeptic's Journey by Fenton Johnson (Houghton Mifflin)
- Finalists:
- Anything But Straight by Wayne Besen (Harrington Park)
- Gay Perspective: Things Our Homosexuality Tells Us About the Nature of God and the Universe by Toby Johnson (Alyson)
- Gay Witchcraft: Empowering the Tribe
by Christopher Penczak (Red Wheel/Weiser)
- The Man Jesus Loved by Theodore W. Jennings (Pilgrim)
LGBT Studies:
- Winner Time on Two Crosses: The Collected Writings of Bayard Rustin edited by Devon W. Carbado and Donald Weise (Cleis)
- Finalists
- Anything but Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth
by Wayne Besen (Harrington Park)
- Love in the Time of HIV: The Gay Man's Guide to Sex, Dating, and Relationships
by Michael Mancilla and Lisa Troshinsky (Guilford)
- Queer Street: The Rise and Fall of an American Culture, 1947-1985: Excursions in the Mind of the Life
by James McCourt (W.W. Norton)
- Strapped for Cash: A History of American Hustler Culture
by Mack Friedman (Alyson)
Gay Fiction
- Winner Lives of the Circus Animals by Christopher Bram (William Morrow)
- Finalists
- Beijing by Philip Gambone (University of Wisconsin)
- The Book of Salt by Monique Truong (Houghton Mifflin) [Literature Winner, Stonewall Book Awards 2004]
- War Against the Animals by Paul Russell (St. Martin’s)
- Where the Boys Are by William J. Mann (Kensington)
Gay Mystery:
- Winner Blind Eye by John Morgan Wilson (St. Martin’s Minotaur)
- Finalists:
- Bourbon Street Blues by Greg Herren (Kensington)
- Dead Egotistical Morons by Mark Richard Zubro (St. Martin’s Minotaur)
- It Takes Two by Elliott Mackle (Alyson)
- Wearing Black to the White Party by David Stukas (Kenisington)
Gay Poetry:
- Winner Sky Lounge by Mark Bibbins (Graywolf)
- Finalists
- Middle Earth by Henri Cole (FS&G)
- Otherhood: Poems by Reginald Shepherd (University of Pittsburgh)
- Saying the World by Peter Pereira (Copper Canyon)
- The Healing Art: A Doctor's Black Bag of Poetry
by Rafael Campo (W.W. Norton)
Transgender/Gender Queer
- Winner She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders
by Jennifer Finney Boylan (Broadway)
- Finalists
- The Drag King Anthology edited by Donna Troka, Kathleen Lebesco, and Jean Noble (Harrington Park)
- Trans-Gendered: Theology, Ministry, and Communities of Faith (Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies in Religion and Ministry)
by Justin Tanis (Pilgrim)
- Transgender Journeys by Virginia Ramey Mollenkott and Vanessa Sheridan (Pilgrim)
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