10th Annual Lambda Literary Award Winners and Finalists
- Lesbian
- Biography/ Autobiography, Fiction, Mystery, Poetry, Studies
- General LGBT
- Fiction Anthology, Non-fiction Anthology, Children's/ Young Adult, Drama, Humour, Photography/ Visual Arts, Science fiction/ Fantasy/ Horror, Spirituality & Religion,
- Gay Men's
- Biography/ Autobiography, Fiction, Mystery, Poetry, Studies
- Transgender
- Other Awards
- Editor's Choice Award, Pioneer Award, Publisher's Service Award, Small Press Award
Lesbian Biography/Autobiography
Winner Blue Windows: a Christian Science Childhood
by Barbara Wilson (Picador)
- My Life as a Boy: A Woman's Story
by Kim Chernin (Algonquin)
- May Sarton: a Biography
by Margaret Peters (Knopf)
- The Last Time I Wore a Dress
by Daphne Scholinski and Jane Meredith Adams (Putnam)
- Virginia Woolf
by Hermione Lee (Knopf)
Lesbian Fiction
Winner Beyond the Pale
by Elana Dykewomon (Press Gang)
- A/K/A
by Ruthann Robson (St. Martin’s)
- A Crystal Diary
by Frankie Hucklenbroich (Firebrand)
- Prozac Highway
by Persimmon Blackbridge (Press Gang)
- Terminal Velocity
by Blanche McCrary Boyd
Lesbian Mystery
Winner Father Forgive Me by Randye Lordon (Avon)
- Apparition Alley
by Katherine V. Forrest (Berkley)
- No Daughter of the South
by Cynthia Webb (New Victoria)
- Evil Dead Center
by Carole laFavor (Firebrand)
- Old Black Magic
by Jaye Maiman (Naiad)
Lesbian Poetry
- Cold River
by Joan Larkin (Painted Leaf)
- School of Fish
by Eileen Myles (Black Sparrow)
- Diesel Fuel: Passionate Poetry
edited by Pat Califia (Masquerade)
- Poems Between Women
edited by Emma Donoghue (Columbia University)
- Queer Dog: Homo/Pup/Poetry
edited by Gerry Gomez Pearlberg (Cleis)
Lesbian Studies
Winner Does Your Mama Know?: An Anthology of Black Lesbian Coming Out Stories
edited by Lisa C. Moore (Redbone)
- Every Woman I’ve Ever Loved: Lesbian Writers on Their Mothers
edited by Catherine Reid and Holly Iglesias (Cleis)
- Mrs. Keppel and Her Daughter
by Diana Souhami (St. Martin’s)
- Queerly Classed: Gay Man & Lesbians Write About Class
edited by Susan K. Raffo (South End)
Sex and Sensibility: Stories of a Lesbian Generation
by Arlene Stein (University of California)
LGBT Anthology (Fiction)
Winner His 2: Brilliant New Fiction by Gay Writers (v. 2)
edited by Robert Drake with Terry Wolverton (Faber & Faber) [gay male]
- Best American Gay Fiction 2
edited by Brian Bouldrey (Little, Brown) [gay male]
- Best Lesbian Erotica 1997
edited by Tristan Taormino (Cleis) [lesbian]
- Jo’s Girls: Tomboy Tales of High Adventure, True Grit, and Real Life
edited by Christian McEwen (Beacon) [girls, women, lesbian]
- The Mammoth Book of Gay Short Stories
edited by Peter Burton (Carroll & Graf) [gay male]
LGBT Anthology (Non-fiction)
Winner Queers in Space: Communities, Public Places, Sites of Resistance
edited by Gordon Brent Ingram, AnneMarie Bouthillette, and Yolanda Retter (Bay)
- PoMoSexuals: Challenging Assumptions About Gender and Sexuality
edited by Carol Queen and Lawrence Schimel (Cleis)
- My Dear Boy: Gay Love Letters Through the Centuries
edited by Rictor Norton (Leyland)
- Lesbians Raising Sons
edited by Jess Wells (Alyson)
- Gay Men at the Millennium
edited by Michel Lowenthal (Tarcher/Putnam)
LGBT Children's & Young Adult
Winner The House You Pass On the Way
- The Shared Heart: Portraits and Stories Celebrating Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Young People
by Adam Mastoon (William Morrow) [YA, LGBT]
- Amy Asks a Question: Grandma, What’s a Lesbian?
by Jeanne Arnold (Mother Courage) [children's, lesbian parenting]
- Blue Coyote
by Liza Ketchum (Simon & Schuster) [YA, gay male]
- Sanctuary: a Tale of Life in the Woods
by Paul Monette (Scribner) [children's, lesbian/interracial, fable]
LGBT Drama
Winner Gross Indecency: the Three Trials of Oscar Wilde
- Monsters in the Closet: Homosexuality and the Horror Film (Inside Popular Film)
edited by Harry M. Benshoff (Manchester University)
- Three Plays by Mae West
by Lillian Schlissel (Routledge)
- Porcelain & A Language of Their Own
edited by Chay Yew (Grove) [gay male]
- Rent
by Jonathan Larson (Rob Weisbach)
LGBT Humour
Winner Openly Bob
- Barbie Unbound: A Parody of the Barbie Obsession
by Sarah Strohmeyer (New Victoria) [feminism]
- Hot, Throbbing Dykes to Watch Out For
by Alison Bechdel (Firebrand) [lesbian] [Graphic novel, see all award winning comics]
- Naked
by David Sedaris (Little, Brown) [gay male]
Flaming Iguanas: An Illustrated All-Girl Road Novel Thing
by Erika Lopez (Simon & Schuster) [lesbian]
LGBT Photography/ Visual Arts
- Naked Men: Pioneering Male Nudes 1935-1955
by David Leddick (Universe) [gay male]
- Particular Voices: Portraits of Gay and Lesbian Writers
by Robert Giard (MIT) [GLBT]
- John Waters: Director’s Cut
by John Waters (Scalo) [gay male]
- I Am My Lover: Women Pleasure Themselves
edited by Joani Blank (Down There) [lesbian]
Men Together: Portraits of Love, Commitment, and Life
by Anderson Jones, photographs by David Fields (Running) [gay male]
LGBT Science Fiction & Fantasy
Winner Bending the Landscape: Fantasy
[GLBT, fantasy, short stories]
- Grave Passions
edited by William Mann (Masquerade) [horror, supernatural, short stories, gay male]
- The Harvest
by Perry Brass (Belhue) [scifi, futuristic, gay male]
Monsters in the Closet: Homosexuality and the Horror Film (Inside Popular Film)
edited by Harry M. Benshoff (Machester University)
- The Drag Queen of Elfland
edited by Lawrence Schimel (Circlet) [short stories, GLBT] [Gaylactice Spectrum Awards Nominee]
LBGT Spirituality & Religion
Cassell's Encyclopedia of Queer Myth, Symbol and Spirit: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Lore edited by Randy P. Conner (Cassell)
- The Essential Gay Mystics
by Andrew Harvey (HarperCollins)
- Queer Dharma: Voices of Gay Buddhists
edited by Winston Leyland (Gay Sunshine)
Stealing Jesus: How Fundamentalism Betrays Christianity
by Bruce Bawer (Crown)
Gay Men’s Biography/Autobiography
Winner The Poetry of Healing: A Doctor's Education in Empathy, Identity, and Desire
by Rafael Campo (W.W. Norton)
- A House on the Ocean, A House on the Bay
by Felice Picano (Faber & Faber)
- Track Conditions
by Michael Klein (Persea)
- Gay Body: a Journey Through Shadow to Self
by Mark Thompson (St. Martin’s)
- Walt Whitman: a Gay Life
by Gary Schmidgall (Dutton)
Gay Men’s Fiction
Winner The Far Euphrates
by Aryeh Lev Stollman (Putnam)
- Gossip
by Christopher Bram (Dutton)
- Plays Well With Others
by Allan Gurganus (Knopf)
- The Farewell Symphony
by Edmund White (Knopf)
- The House on Brooke Street
by Neil Bartlett (Dutton)
Gay Men’s Mystery
Winner The Magician’s Tale
by David Hunt (Putnam)
- Gossip
by Christopher Bram (Dutton)
- Hostage
by R.D. Zimmerman (Delacorte)
- Revision of Justice
by John Morgan Wilson (Doubleday)
- The Burning Plain
by Michael Nava (Putnam)
Gay Men’s Poetry
Winner Beautiful Signor
by Cyrus Cassells (Copper Canyon)
- Bite Hard by Justin Chin (Manic D)
- Desire
by Frank Bidart (FS&G)
- Packing Up for Paradise: Selected Poems 1946-1996
by James Broughton edited by Jim Cory (Black Sparrow)
- Desire: Poems 1986-1996
by Tom Carey (Painted Leaf)
Gay Men’s Studies
The Gay Metropolis: The Landmark History of Gay Life in America
edited by Charles Kaiser (Houghton Mifflin)
- Queer Representations: Reading Lives, Reading Cultures
edited by Martin Duberman (NYU)
- Gay Body: a Journey Through Shadow to Self
edited by Mark Thompson (St. Martin’s)
- Life Outside - The Signorile Report on Gay Men: Sex, Drugs, Muscles, and the Passages of Life
by Michelangelo Signorile (HarperCollins)
- Sexual Ecology: The Birth of AIDS and the Destiny of Gay Men
by Gabriel Rotello (Dutton)
- PoMoSexuals: Challenging Assumptions about Gender and Sexuality
edited by Carol Queen and Lawrence Schimel (Cleis)
- The Last Time I Wore a Dress
by Daphne Scholinski and Jane Meredith Adams (Putnam)
- Read My Lips: Sexual Subversions and the End of Gender
by Riki Anne Wilchins (Firebrand)
Sex Changes: Transgender Politics
by Pat Califia (Cleis)
- Mema’s House, Mexico City: On Transvestites, Queens, and Machos
by Annick Prieur (Cleis)
Small Press Awards
Winner Does Your Mama Know?: An Anthology of Black Lesbian Coming Out Stories

- Barbie Unbound: A Parody of the Barbie Obsession
by Sarah Strohmeyer (New Victoria)
- Beyond the Pale
by Elana Dykewomon (Press Gang)
- Bite Hard
by Justin Chin (Manic D)
- Toward the New Degeneracy
by Bruce Benderson (Edgewise)
Editor's Choice
- Billy’s Boy
by Patricia Nell Warren (Wildcat)

Pioneer Award
- Ron Hanby, Bookazine
Publishers Service Award
- Douglas Mitchell, University of Chicago Press
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